Public Speaker and Consultant.
Decades ago, I made business cards with the title “Consultant” on them. Since I know how to solve people's problems and created results people wanted. I was making money the first week, and I was in demand. It’s not rocket science!
In 1992 I met E. Eldridge, Jr. He is the author of The Obvious Expert and over thirty other books. He hired me to lead a team of professional speakers and trainers to run three-day seminars to train consultants around the country. The synergy was amazing, and once a year I review the highlights from those programs. They are classics. The valuable information we shared with all those good people inspired all of us to go many levels higher.
We have been training consultants and public speakers for decades and have received many awards and accolades for it. Yet the truth is this:
The ONLY thing that matters is DELIVERING RESULTS!
Do you have valuable life experiences? Do you know how to solve problems? You can do this.
Have you been to the circus? That is a metaphor: do not take it seriously, although some of the airports, companies, and boardrooms I have consulted with were about as entertaining and crazy as the circus!
Here is the bottom line: Thousands of individuals and companies are looking for people with real-life experience, just like you! And they will pay you generously to share your knowledge and wisdom with them.
Here is the biggest secret I have learned in decades of doing this!
It’s how efficiently and effectively you can brand, position, and sell yourself in the marketplace that will lead to your success. Plus, how you present your story, and how well you communicate as a public speaker will be a big part of your success to earn the business. Yet, you still need to deliver good or great results, or you will not last long.
In the fall of 2015, I was booked to speak at the Fortune Global Forum in San Francisco, CA. The hot topic I engaged in with the world’s top CEOs was how to create a culture for multi-generational teams to function well together.
In my presentation, I shared a common concern about how social media creates relationships more virtual than real. One social media expert called Facebook, “The Alter of Loneliness.”
Consultants with experience, knowledge, and wisdom also understand communications, relationships, and bonding with people can be very popular and profitable in today's world.
The consulting industry has been on a steady growth trend for over three decades. When the pandemic of 2020 was upon us, some businesses like speaking came to a grinding halt. Yet consulting services continued to flourish while many others did not.
One more thing: Many people in our society, have specialized knowledge and the wisdom to make good things happen and get things done. People who want and need this and will pay virtually anything to get it. As their consultant, you will command greater respect – and get paid at a rate that is many times greater than as an employee to deliver results.
We offer training for consulting in four core competencies.
1) Public Speaking, how to present with pizzazz, confidence, and style.
We offer how to market yourself to get paid better and work with agents to book you often.
Topics include pricing strategies, so you are paid what you are worth for your public speaking and consulting services and building the wealth you deserve.
In this program, we will also provide you with examples of the actual contracts and agreements we use every week, along with checklists of potential mistakes that could cost you lots and lots of time and money.
2) How to create profit centers within your consulting and public speaking career so you will earn passive income while you sleep. This includes writing and publishing books, creating training programs, building a list of followers and fans, and over eighty more options from Chapter 19 in my book, Public Speaking for Money.
3) How to be more productive within your business and your life.
My brand is “Maximizing your business is my business.” I will show you how to increase your productivity and profitability with my unique systems to be organized, committed, aligned and focused, on what is most important for you and your future clients.
When you focus on those who really want what you have to offer, then your rate of success and closing more bookings and business opportunities with the people you want to work with will go way up.
Way too many times, I have watched a marketing expert use someone else’s money to fire off advertising campaigns using direct mail, email, PCP, radio ads, social media, phone calls, and TV spots like a drunk hunter the first day of hunting season. It is scary.
This system includes true time management principles, rules and systems, combined with amazing automation technology, how to use virtual assistants, how to find great sub-contractors, and learn to follow the 90 – 10 rule of success and prosperity.
4) Avoid mistakes! I am going to share with you the mistakes that cause much embarrassment and cost lots of money because I want you to avoid them.
If you choose to follow the fast path to success you will be profitable. While I admit some of these mistakes are common and many people make them, and if they do not go broke in the process, they can chalk it up to things not to do. How much money would that save you? How valuable is that list and the lessons?
Avoid these mistakes will save you a fortune while you create, build, and grow your public speaking and consulting empire. Failure to do so will result in getting paid below the usual rate for your public speaking, training, and consulting services, if you attract any clients at all!
While I do not believe there are shortcuts to wealth or success unless you win a big lottery and most of those people have not found happiness and peace of mind. That is a different seminar.
The facts are public speaking, and consulting careers are the powerful way to position yourself in your industry as the (go-to) person in your niche.
Why? Because public speakers and consultants get hired every day. So why not you? I have worked with huge international conglomerates in the boardrooms, with CEOs in their offices on Park Avenue, with music and movie kingpins in Hollywood, and played on golf courses with them all over the world. Politicians, ad agencies, IT departments, governments, and business owners hire consultants for just about everything.
The bottom line is this: This is a huge and growing international market with enormous opportunities to make serious money.
Along the way you can have great fun while you assist people to be better. With our systems, you will attract more opportunities for profit, more joint ventures for income, and long-term business partners.
I have one more question for you. Are you ready to make the best and most important investment you will ever make? Are you ready to invest in yourself?
Send us an email, and we will contact you to set up a time to talk about how we can maximize your business.